Summer Activities
Summer has begun! (I hope it is still summer when this goes to print…) The children are all finishing school, and there’s clubs and events on everywhere. Some you may know, but many are run with little budget for promotion, so I’m happy to share those I’ve found, hidden gems of activities!
One fun new regular event is at the Queen Mary Centre (next to Somers Road Car Park) and is called “Toast” – because they will serve free toast! It’s for all families, and is on Friday afternoons, 3.30pm to 5pm. Then there’s the Museum activities, which are always different, interesting, well run and only 50p per child. This year, there’s activities on 27th July, 10th August and 24th August, including one on Wisbech Castle, a fascinating place in our history. I’ll put their poster on my website and social media, or pop by and see it on their railings. Also at the museum is a new exhibition, “Summer of Bugs”, which I’m in two minds about visiting, especially with the sculpture in their garden (look out for the poster for a photo!) I’ll try to brave it for the sake of educating the children in the history of entymology…
We’ve just come back from a Lego Club in Downham Market, and have found two more in Wisbech. There’s one on the 6th August, at the Oasis Centre, and another being planned for the library. If you are an adult who loves Lego and would like to help a new generation discover it, then you can volunteer at the library to run their club; or if you have a boxful in the loft, then donate it to the library to help them get set up.
We’ve also had a go at Table Tennis recently. Run by Mark Spinks, an excellent trainer who helped all the children – and some of the mums and dads – to have a go and learn a new sport. It’s open on Saturdays to just drop in, but contact them first to check times and costs (wisbechtta.org).
Look out for an Ouse Washes booklet to find a whole program of activities for everyone across the area 18th to 30th July – especially the fun day, this Saturday at Manea, I’ll be there with the “Made in the Fens” exhibition and workshop.