Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

Hidden Gems, Culture Focus

Promoting local organisations, projects and people

(Articles previously printed in the Fenland Citizen)

Wisbech (Virtual) Arts Trail

Exciting news! Wisbech Projects CIC has been awarded funding from Arts Council England to run a project for the town for the next few months. I’m very proud of this achievement and I’d like to thank all those who’ve been cheerleaders and supporters to get us to this stage of arts funding. The project is …

Autumnal Equinox

Time is moving on fast, Summer is almost over and Autumn is on its way. Living where we do, we get to see more changes – and earlier – than in cities, as we have the farmers working hard to get the crops in and fields ready for the next one. I like hearing the …

Working together – Wisbech Wool Shop

Regular readers will know that I write here to promote all the good things happening in the area and especially the people and places that make it special. I’m not the only one, there’s plenty of us out there – running businesses, and/or volunteering as part of groups, to improve the town and to help …

Rose Fair week

It’s Rose Fair week! Assuming you’re reading this in the week the paper is published, then from today (3rd July) you will find a number of Churches throughout the town taking part with their own themes and activities, so please check the Rose Fair leaflet or their website for more details, or just have a …


I have just completed a piece of work with 12 school children, aged 8-9, who mostly hadn’t done any, or much, sewing before. Helping the children create individual pieces and then hearing their “wow!” when they see it all come together in one piece is a wonderful thing to witness. Creativity is such an important …


This week I’ve enjoyed talking to so many people about plans for Wisbech that I ran out of time to interview the people I wanted to for this week’s article! I look forward to meeting with the Fenland Archaeological Society (FenArch) soon to bring you more details about their work and their events. Meanwhile, I …

Hereward the Wake Project

So this is the time of year that is often grey skies and illness everywhere. I hope you’re all managing to cope, and getting yourselves dosed up with vitamins and sunshine whenever you can! I find, while I don’t want to wish the time away, planning what I’ll be doing when the good weather comes …

Creative Courses Summer 2017

If you will indulge me, I’d like to talk about my own project this week. Recently funded by the Healthy Fenland Fund, I will be running some creative sessions in Wisbech for older adults and some for families. We will have a map showing us favourite places to shop for materials; places that are not …

Helping out and things to do

2016 has been an interesting year, to say the least. With all the news of people passing away, especially this last few days, it’s been quite difficult, though it does make you appreciate your own health and family. I’m going to try to be positive and look forward. So, ideas for a positive future? Be …

Fayre, Crafts and Christmas 2016

Just since I last wrote this column I’ve had more people get in touch to talk about new projects and events. With everything going on across the area, from Peterborough to Norfolk, I’m finding myself booking people and places up to October 2017. The Wisbech Christmas Fayre team will meet in the new year to …