Following on from last time, the High Street Wisbech project website is now ready for you to add your memories, photographs or stories, that add to the historical record of the street. If you don’t use the internet but would still like to contribute, please feel free to write to me, care of Alexandra House, …
Following on from last time, the High Street Wisbech project website is now ready for you to add your memories, photographs or stories, that add to the historical record of the street. If you don’t use the internet but would still like to contribute, please feel free to write to me, care of Alexandra House, …
Well, it’s all go in the heritage world of Wisbech! It’s heartening to see that after some years of local groups and people working hard to support the town’s heritage and talking to national funding organisations, that it has all been worth it and the projects are now coming in thick and fast. We’re going …