Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

Hidden Gems, Culture Focus

Promoting local organisations, projects and people

(Articles previously printed in the Fenland Citizen)

Wisbech (Virtual) Arts Trail

Exciting news! Wisbech Projects CIC has been awarded funding from Arts Council England to run a project for the town for the next few months. I’m very proud of this achievement and I’d like to thank all those who’ve been cheerleaders and supporters to get us to this stage of arts funding. The project is …

Mary Christmas!

Half term and Halloween are fast approaching, and you’ll find a fabulous selection of events going on in our hidden gems. Just a couple here to get you started, search online or at the library and get your diaries filled up this Autumn. Museums at Night is a national event and Wisbech and Fenland Museum …

Everyone an Artist, Everyone a Scientist

Three columns in one this week! Firstly, Fun Palaces – an ongoing campaign for cultural democracy, with an annual weekend of action every October. “The campaign promotes culture at the heart of community and community at the heart of culture. The combination of arts, craft, science, tech, digital, heritage and sports activities, led by local …

Historic Market Place

Wisbech has been a market town for centuries – the “Old Market” has been named that for centuries… So it stands to reason that the buildings have changed use over this time. If you wander around town like a tourist, especially if you take the time to talk to the owners of shops and businesses, …

Wisbech Shopping Variety

As a market town Wisbech has always been a central place to shop for the townspeople and the surrounding villages, and presumably also to sell – I’m enjoying reading stories of strawberry picking at this time of year, and I wonder if they were sold locally as well as taken away to sell in larger …

Library ‘Engage’ Events

The library is of course a source of information on all things, but did you know they run regular activities and events? You can find something to suit everyone. I went along to one of their “Engage” events today, always the last Thursday morning of the month. Today’s Engage was with Diane Calton Smith, a …

Promoting Wisbech’s Independent Shops

A while ago a young reporter from Cambridge came to Wisbech and recorded his thoughts – mostly negative ones – as a Facebook video stream. I responded to him there and then, but it pushed me to get all these columns I’ve been writing off the printed page and onto the internet so I can …

Wisbech in Bloom

We must all have seen the beautiful flowers throughout the town – if you haven’t yet, do pop in just for this spectacular display. It’s a culmination of Wisbech in Bloom’s work throughout the year to grow and plant displays for the Anglia in Bloom regional competition. This year, Wisbech is being judged for both …

1 June 2018

Wisbech has a fantastic selection of independent retailers. Market Street in particular has a few and some of them are moving around! Sarah’s Flowers is a local success story, 3 years in one shop (with many years experience before setting up on her own) Sarah is already expanding into new premises, congratulations to her and …

Heritage Open Days

Every year, the Heritage Open Days, which have been running for over 20 years, are a perfect opportunity to be out and about as a “last hurrah” of Summer. Historic properties open their doors for free – some are rarely open to the public at all and others offer at least one free day during …