Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

Hidden Gems, Culture Focus

Promoting local organisations, projects and people

(Articles previously printed in the Fenland Citizen)

Everyone an Artist, Everyone a Scientist

Three columns in one this week! Firstly, Fun Palaces – an ongoing campaign for cultural democracy, with an annual weekend of action every October. “The campaign promotes culture at the heart of community and community at the heart of culture. The combination of arts, craft, science, tech, digital, heritage and sports activities, led by local …

Market Place Update!

A month or so ago I wrote about pubs in the Market Place, and shops too. I got some wrong (though thought I was correct at the time, having done some research!) After chatting to members of the Wisbech Heritage Forum (on Facebook) I corrected myself, which is how research into any part of history …

Autumnal Equinox

Time is moving on fast, Summer is almost over and Autumn is on its way. Living where we do, we get to see more changes – and earlier – than in cities, as we have the farmers working hard to get the crops in and fields ready for the next one. I like hearing the …