Pocket Park
Following on from last time, the High Street Wisbech project website is now ready for you to add your memories, photographs or stories, that add to the historical record of the street. If you don’t use the internet but would still like to contribute, please feel free to write to me, care of Alexandra House, Alexandra Road, Wisbech PE13 1HQ and I’ll pass it on. The most recent photographs online are of the inside of the building that used to be Purdey’s Cafe, I often hear people talk about that, so have a look and add your own memories.
I’ve got some more information from the Wisbech Cemetery project – they’re looking for a person or organisation to help with project co-ordination for the duration of the delivery phase, up to April 2020. Duties will include, for example, preparation and delivery of HLF monitoring and evaluation reports, keeping policies and records up to date, and helping with procurement of activities, amongst other responsibilities. A strong volunteer ethos is important, (though this is a funded position), as that is how the project has been developed and managed so far and this is a role to be part of that team. A connection with, and interest in, Wisbech and its history would of course be desirable. Expressions of interest are invited by July 17th, with further details sent out as appropriate for a full application process.
I went back to the Cemetery (near Asda) to take the photo, and the planting beside the path is beautiful, and smelling lovely! It’s a good way to lead up to this “pocket park” as it’s very much a nature reserve as well as a place of memorials and history. The rest of Wisbech is also in bloom, waiting for the judges in a week or so. I’m sure towns all over the country are enjoying the efforts of their volunteers in the run up to the judging of this national competition, it really brings out pride in a place.
I must mention a couple of events coming up, it’s a great time of year to be out and about, with something for everyone – Gorefield Beer Festival all this weekend (6/7/8th), then Parson Drove Custom and Classic Car Bike and Trike Show next weekend (15/16th), with the Arles Festival in Wisbech Market Place that Sunday (16th). See you at some or all of these!
Email expression of interest in project co-ordinator work to treasurer@wisbech-society.co.uk
Memories of the High Street: highstreetwisbech.org.uk
Email lorena@redbarncreative.org.uk to join local creative and digital projects