Creative Courses Summer 2017
If you will indulge me, I’d like to talk about my own project this week. Recently funded by the Healthy Fenland Fund, I will be running some creative sessions in Wisbech for older adults and some for families. We will have a map showing us favourite places to shop for materials; places that are not there now but were, within living memory; and to point out some places of interest. It’s a new map, designed locally, that I’ll then be using for other activities and offering to groups who may find it useful. With more funding, we can extend it to cover further afield – it will be just central Wisbech to start with.
The plan for the sessions, taking place over the Summer, is for each group to have a go at something creative with textiles (fabric, wool, thread – patchwork, textile pictures, felting, all sorts!)
While doing so, taking time to think and chat. Being creative is great for confidence and fun while also allowing time for slowing down, chatting and thinking things through. (Concepts like wellbeing, mindfulness and gentle activism can all use creativity). The final session will be families and older people coming together to show and work on what they’ve made and share some local history.
If you are a retired person and would like to meet other retirees in a friendly creative environment, please email or drop a note in to Alexandra House to register and I’ll contact you with details. (We are full for the family sessions, but get in touch to be on a list for the future.)
It is hoped these sessions can continue after Summer, but as with many things, running them can be expensive and many people cannot afford to pay for classes of any sort, so it is all down to funding. I offer advice on funding to those who come to the Penelope Club (tomorrow evening, email for information), and will help anyone who asks, but the best people to go to are CCVS who are based in Cambridge but often come out to the area. They are friendly and brilliant at helping community groups, from setting up to applying for funding. They have regular events, so get in touch via their website, cambridgecvs.org.uk and see if they can help you.
Do get in touch with me if you’d like to come along to the free creative sessions, I look forward to meeting you!