September 2017
I know I say this often, but it is an exciting time in the Capital of the Fens! Indeed, in the whole of the area. After many years of low or no funding, a number of organisations and places have been getting their bids approved and they all have substantial community activity elements.
Over the next year or two we will all have an opportunity to enjoy something put on for us, whether that’s a talk, display, workshop, walk or one of many other choices. However, we shouldn’t just sit back and wait, there are opportunities everywhere to be more involved. I am just as keen as anyone to see the results of the funding that gets announced in the paper, but it is through participation that we can really see how it is spent. Volunteering is at the heart of this. If you are able to volunteer, you will find a new friendship group of like minded people, maybe learn a new skill but certainly see the value in your contribution to the project you’re part of. If you’re looking for work, volunteering is a good way to get experience, and it may well develop into a paid role.
I’ve recently seen a number of projects request volunteers. One of them is People and Animals CIC with the garden at Community House, pictured (10 Southwell Road, Wisbech). All and any gardening skills welcome, or just go along Fridays 10am to 1pm and learn about growing all kinds of plants, including vegetables. You’ll also be getting exercise and fresh air!
Another outdoors opportunity is at the Wisbech General Cemetery (next to Asda). It’s a “Pocket Park” and a real nature haven kept tidy by volunteers, some of whom are part of Wisbech in Bloom so you’ll be in good hands. Volunteering can be in short bursts, so even if you can only do a couple of hours a month, you’ll find something like the community garden or pocket park working group perfect.
Then there is Wisbech High Street. We’ve all seen the buildings and how damaged they look, but the money to restore them has been agreed and while it’s going to take some time to organise the planning and building works, it is happening and there will be more public involvement as time goes by (HighStreetWisbech.org.uk)
Briefly: there’s also a Fenland and Forest Heath ‘memories through music’ project with Babylon Arts, and a wide ranging nature conservancy project hopefully on the horizon from Cambridgeshire Acre. These organisations will have volunteering opportunities, so are worth looking up and following on social media.