Summer 2015
Summertime is busy! I’m looking forward to the Wisbech and District Historic Vehicle Club’s Road Run on August 9th (www.brmmbrmm.com – fantastic website name!) My family have owned interesting vehicles for some years, so we enjoy going to this event each year, as well as the Parson Drove show. There are things to do throughout the summer, please search online (try cambridgshire.net) or look through the papers. It is well worth supporting your local community events, they are always enjoyable and run by dedicated people working throughout the year, usually to raise funds for local charities or build halls and play spaces that you and your family use. Now school is out, everyone can enjoy what’s on offer! For example, ask at Wisbech Library now about the Lyric Writing workshop for 11-14 year olds on August 10th/11th/13th with Xidus Pain, who has an impressive CV www.beatthis.org/xidus-pain/
I set up Red Barn Creative to support artists and makers in the area to become independent, working for themselves and their local community; by putting on exhibitions, running workshops and training events. I am now looking to increase my list of artists and makers in the area so I can put them forward for a new series of events coming up. Setting up a network of creative people to find each other, learn new skills, and work together to show that the Fens has a rich cultural offering – something that is often considered lacking in the area, but I know it’s not. It’s time for the hidden gems of artists – painters, singers, musicians, performers; and makers – woodturners, sculptors, textile artists, potters; to come forward. I will of course be sending the message out to all the brilliant organisations I already know that put on events and run courses – such as the Angles Theatre, Octavia Hill’s Birthplace House, community centres, libraries.
It would be fantastic if anyone interested in showing the Fens as a rich cultural area got in touch now so we can join together and shout about it! We’ll be louder together, and could learn from each other too. Email: info@redbarncreative.org.uk