Penelope Club
I’m writing this later in the week than usual as it’s been a busy few days. Rose Fair has started, and it was wonderful to be at the Mayor’s “At Home” this evening, which was held at St Peter’s and St Paul’s church. The flower arrangements are all stunning; I will add some photos online, do share your photos on social media and add #rosefair so it can be searched for by others. (Don’t forget free social media training 15th July – email chambers@redbarncreative.org.uk)
Also this week, I ran another meeting of the new business club for creative women, The Penelope Club, at the Rose and Crown Hotel. They went the extra mile this week, thankyou David, you do a brilliant job!
One of the members of the club is Deb Matthysz, a local textile artist, who also works for Eddie’s, a charity in March, so like many creative women, Deb does many things – she is also involved in the King’s Lynn Embroiders’ Guild. They have their exhibition this coming weekend – 11th 12th July – at the Red Cross Building, Austin Fields, King’s Lynn, PE30 1PH. 10-4 Saturday, and 10-3 Sunday. With free entry and free car parking, there’s a competition, demonstrations, a sales table and refreshments. See kingslynnembguild.wordpress.com. (You can buy all you need to get started with embroidery from the Wisbech Wool Shop – the owner is also a member of the Penelope Club!)
As is Sarah Madsen, who has just put up her solo exhibition of fine art at the Orchard Tea Room, Redmoor Lane. I think having local artists display their work there is a lovely idea, as is the old-fashioned games they’ve recently introduced. More reasons to stop by!
This weekend also has the Arles Festival to celebrate 53 years of Wisbech and Arles twinning. It’s on Sunday, 10am to 3.30pm with entertainment from french dancers, Lula May – a 1940s singer, and children’s entertainment too. How lucky are we to have all this in our area?
Red Barn Creative is a not for profit company to support creative people in business and give more people the opportunity to be creative.