Resilient Communities
How many of you have heard of the amazing work being done by People and Animals CIC and their team of volunteers? The “Toast” sessions at the Queen Mary Centre (QMC) and the Oasis Community Centre invite the local community to meet others, chat, share skills, and, yes, have tea and toast. Each week is a little different, with games, arts projects, crafts sessions, singing and chatting. Thursday afternoon (4.15 to 5pm) at the Oasis, and Friday afternoon (3.30 – 5pm) at the QMC also always includes the lovely therapy dogs, including Urwin. He’s friendly and greets everyone, especially if they have a treat in their hand.
Children at Toast are encouraged to take care of the dogs, help with setting up and tidying away, and in return they can sign up to be an official helper. Adult community members can be volunteers, who also help out at these sessions. The People and Animals team support volunteers by creating personal plans and having one-to-one sessions to ensure each person gets the training they need and qualifications too, and that they are doing the work they want.
People and Animals also run Wisbech Community Farm on Lynn Road. A fabulous place for groups from across the community to enjoy working outdoors – general farm work, looking after the animals, and other activities. It isn’t open to the public, but there will be open days and chances to join in.
Planning meetings include all volunteers to make sure activities are on track and are what everyone wants to do, with new suggestions debated and organised. It’s a great system, everyone has a part to play in the whole organisation and having been to a couple of these, I know everyone enjoys being a part of it too (see the photo!)
This way of working,with everyone doing what they enjoy the most, learning new skills as well as recognising and sharing the skills they already have, is a great example of communities working for themselves. We all have something to contribute and in doing so we feel a part of something bigger and that makes people and the community stronger and more resilient.
I look forward to seeing you at a Toast soon – do pop in, everyone welcome, including dogs!