November 2016
We’re now on the run up to Christmas, it’s even getting cold enough to feel like Christmas! Look out for a craft fair/gift market near you, there’ll be plenty of chances to support independent sellers, craftspeople and artists. There are always fantastic, unique, well-priced gifts for you or your family and friends at these events.
One I’ve noticed is on November 17th, 5pm-9pm, a useful time for those who work in town shops and offices. It’s in St Peter’s Church Hall in central Wisbech. I admit I’m a little biased, they will have one of my favourite makers there, Clair Bartram, Folbar Handmade Jewellery.
Of course the regular Market Place stalls and central shops are also good to use for gifts as well as everyday shopping. I took this picture on a Thursday, with Wright’s Fruit and Veg and Russell’s Family Butchers, but the market is there with varying stalls every day and a car boot on Sundays. Find the day that suits your shopping needs best and have a word with the stallholders for anything you need, they’re a friendly bunch! As a market town, going for hundreds of years, we should do our best to keep it busy and vibrant. If you want an opportunity to sell from the market, do get in touch with the Town Council.
If you haven’t heard already, the Christmas Fayre is on Sunday 11th December, and it’s going to be a fantastic day! With stalls, entertainment and activities all finalised, it’s been great fun helping organise it. The Reindeer are back, they’ll be in Museum Square; there’s the Ice Rink on Market Place again, and we have a Steam Train on Market Street! I’m pleased to say we’ve got the Castle open on the day as well, so don’t forget to pop in there to see the crafts but also take the opportunity to see inside the building and gardens.
I’ll write more about the event next time, but make sure you put it in your diary and come along, it was very popular last year, a great day out.
The Penelope Club, a business club for creative women, along with my crochet class, and other local creative friends are busy making decorations for a tree at Peckover House’s Christmas Festival, on display from Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th December. I’m really proud of my class’s achievements this year, so this is a lovely way to celebrate that.