November 2016
I started this column to promote Wisbech in particular and the Fens in general as a “Hidden Gem”, with a “Culture Focus”. I’m now finding more and more people are noticing the Fens, Wisbech in particular, as a place to be. For example, is our little corner of Cambridgeshire now more within reach of the county city, or do they just need a place to extend their influence? Without getting too political, I think it’s fantastic that there’s renewed interest in our town, but I would suggest everyone coming here needs to read their history books and do plenty of networking and research, there’s more to this town than reported by academics and in the mainstream media.
My other main thread for the column is to say “it’s ok, we got this”, that is, to explain that there’s some great talent here, plenty of able people who already work together and help others. Wisbech isn’t known as the Capital of the Fens for nothing – historically, it has been an independent, self-contained town. It still is, and happy to be that way! Or not – you’re welcome to tell me, please email citizen@redbarncreative.org.uk.
So, on to lighter moments, and what could be more fun than the Christmas events coming up? Elgood’s are having their regular open garden day, when you can order your Christmas beer – I love the idea that you can order your festive drinks straight from your local brewery.
The Christmas Tree festival is at Peckover House, I’ve got a tree there this year so will have contributions from people who are part of projects/activities I run, such as crochet class, The Penelope Club, children’s sewing club,as well as other local artists/makers, a real “Made in the Fens” tree.
Before those events (dates at the end) there’s a traditional Jumble Sale, an excellent idea. Pop into the Wisbech South Children’s Centre if you want to book a table, or just go along on Saturday to the Queen Mary Centre to find those bargains.
My favourite thing coming up (beside the Christmas Fayre of course) is, however, the Best-dressed Christmas Dog competition! Great prizes and judged by the Mayor. What a fun idea to add to the Wisbech Christmas calendar; we know how to have fun and include everyone, animals too, in our celebrations!
Jumble Sale – 26th November, 10am – 1pm Queen Mary Centre
Lights Switch-on – 27th November from 3pm Market Place
Best-dressed Christmas Dog Competition – next to Boots (or ground floor of the Horsefair Car Park if bad weather) 4th December arrive 11.45am
Elgood’s Christmas – 3rd/4th December
Christmas Celebration at Peckover – 10th – 18th