December 2016
I wonder if those who use social media have seen the post that says “every time you buy handmade, an actual person does a little happy dance”, or the one that explains buying “just a card” will directly support a family, and that in turn supports the local economy. A thriving local economy is good for everyone. Buying from a craft fair, an independent shop or using a self-employed service provider, is also often no more expensive than a large company. Don’t get me wrong, I use large stores too and Tesco were great for the Penelope Club recently, they support their community, so there’s room for everyone. I just want to encourage people who haven’t been to a craft fair, or who are wary of using “indie” shops and services that they really are worth trying out.
One organisation that is helping entrepreneurs in Wisbech is the team at Alexandra House. They have let out almost all their rooms, ranging from taxis, to furnishings, to healthcare. They keep a room free to hire out to people like me. I use it for meetings and crochet classes, and others using it include a photographer and a social crafts group. I’ll write more about Alexandra House in the new year, but their support of people like myself is invaluable.
Do get in touch if you have your own business, I’m sure there’s “hidden gems” of people out there and a thriving rural network waiting to happen! Creative people would be very welcome to join Made in the Fens, digital people are also welcome to get in touch (Silicon Fen, anyone?) Any other groups that would benefit from more spaces in central places?
The photograph is somewhere I drive past often and love their sign! (That’s a whole other article – let me know if you are the signwriters or know any, I am working on a project to research the ghostsigns as well as the still-in-use ones). The barbers/hairdressers, beauty parlours and tattooists are another group I’d like to support, though I’m not going to try every one of them, I’d be happy to receive testimonials to add to a future article! Then there’s the food places – I’ll be busy next year…
Coming up:
As part of the Christmas Fayre, Sunday 11th December:
Artists and Makers at the Rose and Crown
Raymond Briggs’ Father Christmas at the Luxe, Alexandra Road only £2, proceeds to charity
Keep an eye on the Facebook page (WisbechChristmasFayre) for the latest information
Lorena can be contacted via lorena@redbarncreative.org.uk