May Half Term
I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy something from the Brinks Festival this year! It was packed full of great talks, performances, music and exhibitions. Well done to all involved. Any artists, makers, performers, photographers and other creative people please do get in touch, there’s some exciting new events coming up! (email events@redbarncreative.org.uk)
One place I went to on the Mayoral Walk is the Rosmini Centre. A great community centre, with workshops, meetings; advice and support. I’ll be visiting again soon to get more details and feature them in a future article.
This week, as many local organisations will, the Rosmini have some half term activities – if you get this paper first thing Wednesday, you may still have time to get there for the film singalongs (Shrek and Frozen) and help prepare their float for the Rose Fair this morning. Also, street dancing this afternoon, and again tomorrow, Thursday, morning, 10-1pm. All free.
For only 50p per child, Wisbech and Fenland Museum always have great craft activities in school holidays, (Wednesday 10.30-2.30), again perhaps too late for some, but I felt I had to mention them so you can at least pop in and get a leaflet ready for the summer! The activities are different to any normally put on, I highly recommend them.
Another museum I’d recommend for all the family is King’s Lynn Museum. It’s fantastic! Absolutely packed with everything local and plenty more, it’s the home of “Sea Henge” with a beautifully atmospheric display, and explanations on the recovery of it and what it may have been used for. They also have family activities this week, so call 01553 775001 to get more details and visit soon. Check a map before you go if you’re driving, it wasn’t easy to find from the car park; it’s on the bus station. Across from it is the Pedlar’s Cafe, an excellent little place that had great service and traditional food at very good prices, well worth visiting!
Finally, launching next week is a creative women in business network, particularly aimed at helping increase your digital skills. Email penelope@redbarncreative.org.uk for more.