Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

About the Fens May 2016

About the Fens May 2016

Today is all about the Fens. I’m still enjoying my project, Made in the Fens (redbarncreative.org/fens), for the Ouse Washes Landscape Partnership, researching different skills needed to live and work here in the past. I’m now also organising the workshops for it – mainly in July to coincide with OuseFest, but also on June 3rd at the Rosmini Centre, Wisbech (Capital of the Fens!), so do pop that in your diary. Being involved in this project has really helped me understand more about the area and its heritage and culture. Reading what others are doing as part of the overall project is interesting, and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in learning about it all yourself – just check out their website, ousewashes.org.uk, or look out for the booklets about Ousefest (18th – 31st July) which will be out soon.

Another festival, running at the moment, is the Brinks Festival (thebrinksfestival.org) which has many fascinating talks and events, including a local author who writes all about the Fens. Last year, Diane Smith wrote about Georgian Wisbech, and this year she’s written a novel called “Quiet, While Dolly Sings”. It’s a ‘whodunnit’ with ‘mystery, romance and mysticism’. Diane’s talk will include excerpts from the book, as well as why she thinks Fenland is a good setting for such a mystery. The event will be held at the Library, Tuesday 24th May, 7.30pm. I had a lovely chat with Diane, her enthusiasm for the area is great to hear. She’s already working on another book, this time about the medieval Fens, so I think it will be a great evening for locals and visitors alike, do tell your friends.

Of course we all know about the Big Skies of the Fens. I’ve been enjoying the photography appearing online, and looking forward to the sunsets that are so beautiful at this time of the year. If you also enjoy photography, do tweet #fenshour, post on Red Barn Creative’s Facebook page, and enter the Ouse Washes competition for all ages, details on their website as above.