Talks and workshops
While I am enjoying a particularly colourful Autumn, we are hurtling towards Winter, the weather is definitely getting colder and the nights draw in.
Things to do don’t stop though, there’s still talks from Wisbech Society and FenArch, as well as group meetings of the various societies and clubs, so you won’t be stuck for somewhere to go.
The Wisbech Society lectures are on the first Monday of each month at the Chapel, North End, PE13 1PE. Coming up December 2nd, a talk on the Nene Washes with Charlie Kitchen, site manager of the RSPB’s reserve. January sees a quiz with obscure artefacts, then February is with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Monuments and March’s lecture is with local man Peter Thatcher and a talk on “White Crosses of Fenland”. Please see their website Wisbech-Society.co.uk for further details, including on how to join the Society and get free entry.
FenArch hold their meetings and talks at Mendi’s, in the Old Market. Their next talk is about Ancient Egypt, with Helen Strudwick, Associate Curator of Egyptian Antiquities at the Fitzwilliam in Cambridge. Her interests are coffins and funerary archaeology, so a fascinating subject for everyone interested in classical history and archaeology. See FenArch.org.uk
Both organisations only charge £3 for entry, but are free if you are a member, so it’s worth joining both to get free entry to all the excellent talks.
Coming back to the local area, The Well Creek Trust present: the Wisbech to Upwell Tram with photos, maps, illustrations and “tales associated with this iconic tram”. Including images from plate photography, it will be on 29th November, Upwell Village Hall, starting 7.30pm. Also £3 per person, further donations welcomed to go towards the next phase.
Along with my work and interest in all the heritage projects in the area, I enjoy introducing people to creative skills – helping them get started on a new hobby, or just to offer a space for quiet contemplation while creating a gift for themselves or a friend. This Saturday and next I’ll be at Sarah’s Flowers in Market Street, Wisbech with needlefelting for beginners, though please still join us if you’ve done it before. Creating a Cute Winter Robin and a Christmas Pudding or two, using natural wool and a special barbed needle – so only for over 16s. Pop in to Sarah’s, or email felting@redbarncreative.org.uk for more details.