January 2018
After the quiet holiday period, everyone’s getting back to work and getting on with 2018! I’ve been busy making plans to meet with various heritage, cultural and community organisations and projects so looking forward to bringing you news of them all as they progress.
For example, I had a productive and interesting meeting with the inspiring Kirsten Bennett of Cambridgeshire Acre this week, she is the leader of this rural support organisation which runs major community projects as well as supporting smaller organisations. Having met her at various events over the years, it was lovely to chat properly and find common ground in our intentions and work, more news to come.
As well as leading this established and effective charity, Kirsten has given talks on her father’s book about the “Fenland Ark” – a floating church. Just one of those Fenland stories that I’m collecting to increase my and my family’s knowledge of the area. I’ve also just picked up a book about the Fenland coprolite industry (guess what that is!), and I’m looking forward to the next few talks at FenArch – the Fenland Archaeological Society – meeting at Mendi’s in Old Market Square, Wisbech, 7.30pm the last Wednesday of each month. I’m especially interested in the one from Dr Sue Oosthuizen in April as I enjoyed a talk from her last year and will be purchasing her book on Anglo Saxon Fenland about how water management and wealth in those times were not as we have been led to believe. More about FenArch in a future column. I’m meeting David Maile of the “Hereward the Wake” project soon, so look out for that too.
Back to Cambridgeshire Acre, one of the things they do is support village halls. Next week, starting 22nd January, is a celebration of the village hall communities so check out their website and facebook page for updates on where they’ll be: “Throughout the week village halls and community buildings in Fenland will be holding events, hosting visits from local mayors and MPs and will be using social media (#villagehallsweek) to showcase their community hub and celebrate their volunteers.” We’ve all used village halls for sports, parties, activities and clubs, so it’s good to see them celebrated as central to their communities.
If you get this paper in the morning, then there’s still time to get to the Trinity Cafe, Church Terrace (opposite St Peter’s Church) at 1.15pm until 3pm this afternoon, for a “Wisbech Get Together” of anyone local who wants to connect with others and share ideas. Free refreshments. Call 07989 148553 for more.
Also, People and Animals CIC have asked me to share news of their new part time position for an enthusiastic person wanting to get involved in their animal- and nature-assisted therapy programs. Call 07841 517543.
For links to this and the books and projects mentioned, please see online, search for Red Barn