Hidden Gems
When I started this column, I wanted to cover events, places and people. Trying to write about the people is a difficult one. There are many interesting people that have come from the area, obvious ones are Thomas Clarkson and Octavia Hill. (Go to both museums to find out more about them) There’s also Lilian Ream and William Godwin (Go and ask at the library if you want to know more about them) and that’s just Wisbech! Isn’t that amazing? How many towns have such a rich history of people to find out about, learn from and be proud of? The same goes for the small businesses – I wonder how many towns in the UK have as many independent, family run places as we do? I’ll go back to these places over the coming weeks to give you more detail on what they can offer you, and hope to encourage everyone to shop as locally as possible. (I’ll be in Evisons in the New Year for cold weather gear for my family!)
Thinking about the historical figures, who I’ll come back to another time, I realised that as interesting as they are, we have some pretty impressive people right here, right now. There are many people working “behind the scenes” on all the committees that bring such fantastic events for us to enjoy throughout the year; who run the organisations supporting those in need; promoting good causes; keeping museums and other places of interest open. Some of them work across more than one organisation, most do it voluntarily while running their own businesses, tirelessly and without recognition. While I’m wary of naming anyone, as I know I’ll miss someone, I will say I have personally met and worked with a number of individuals who I admire and respect for their dedication to their communities and I encourage anyone who thinks we don’t have enough to do, or events aren’t good enough, or anything else is “wrong” with the area, to find out how to get involved, and they’ll then meet and be inspired by these people.
I will however name Rosie Mitchell and Rebecca Peacock who with their friends organised a Soup Kitchen for Christmas Day. Sad that it’s needed but a fantastic idea, well done!