Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

Heritage Open Days 2019

Heritage Open Days 2019

Following the last column, I did indeed receive corrections to my descriptions of the buildings in the Market Place! I was pleased to receive friendly notes about the Barber Shoppe building, and also to tell me that I got Woolworth’s wrong – I remember Woolworth’s, how could I get that wrong?! The people telling me about their research are writing books on these subjects (you’ll be pleased to know, I won’t be!) I look forward to hearing and seeing more and will bring you that information when I get it.
Meanwhile I went back to working on the map for Heritage Open Days. This is, as always, in mid-September, this year it’s between the 13th and 22nd . Run by the National Trust, it will of course include our Trust property, Peckover House – free entry day on Saturday 21st. Octavia Hill’s Birthplace House, celebrating the life of the National Trust’s founder, born in Wisbech, is also open for free that day. They will have other events on around the time, please check octaviahill.org for details.

Those that have registered for the event will be found on HeritageOpenDays.org.uk, but I have put on the map, and on CapitaloftheFens.org.uk, others that are not registered, but are open or have a special event on. Maps will be available from the Tourist Information Centre in Etcetera, the Bus Station and the Museum. Also from Hughes, Bygones and the Rose and Crown, who have all kindly sponsored the map this year, donating towards the work of the Wisbech Society. As the local civic and preservation society it’s well worth joining to hear more about the history of the town and its people at its various talks but also to contribute your own skills and join in by volunteering to help with the important work it does.

I’ll be at Wisbech General Cemetery on Saturday the 14th September running a crafternoon that the Heritage Open Days (HODs) team have put together where we will be contemplating what we want to see for the future and celebrating local changemakers (we have many to choose from!)

From the HODs website: “We remember those who envisaged how to change the world around them for the better, and worked hard to make their dream a reality”. If you would like to join us, please book through me via coordinator@wisbech-society.co.uk or pm me on Facebook, or leave a message on 073838 23119.