Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK



I have just completed a piece of work with 12 school children, aged 8-9, who mostly hadn’t done any, or much, sewing before. Helping the children create individual pieces and then hearing their “wow!” when they see it all come together in one piece is a wonderful thing to witness. Creativity is such an important part of life for mental health, pride, confidence and fun. Creating together teaches so many life skills that this project and others like it are essential to fill the gap left by the school curriculum these days.

It’s not limited to children of course, everyone can be creative. The process is as important, if not more so, than the result, as the focus that is needed while making something is relaxing – people often say that time goes by so fast and that they forget their problems for a while. It’s easy to find somewhere to learn, or somewhere to join a group. Try churches, community/village halls, look in the “Whar’s On” pages of this paper and see if there’s something near you. I know Linda at the Wisbech Wool Shop has regular gatherings, too. If you get stuck, email me and I’ll find something for you! A sit down with a drink, cake, and something to make is a good way to meet new people too. Saying “how do you do that?” is a great conversation starter.

To go back to the recent project, it was fantastic to have Father Paul West visit us while we worked, as he drove the idea of a place to focus on faith, art and creativity, for artists as well as learners. His enthusiasm and love of the arts is infectious and always welcome.

The idea of a “Cultural Quarter” was also something that Fr Paul was enthusiastic about – the area around the Church, Museum, Cinema and Theatre. With the Castle now being brought into proper use, the Library of course, Alexandra House with regular classes, flower arranging workshops in Market Street and more, the idea is expanding across the town! This gives me the opportunity to mention the growth of a local drama company into a fully fledged CIC (Community Interest Company) who launched their new website this week (more on this soon). LEADA Cambs CIC often use the Queen Mary Centre, which is near Octavia Hill’s Birthplace House, which is across the river from Peckover House… Can you see where I’m going here?! What about Wisbech, Cultural Capital of the Fens? I’ll wait patiently for the facebook comments and letters pages to reflect on that….

Contact me: lorena@redbarncreative.org.uk

LEADA Cambs CIC: leada.biz