Community Groups, Heritage and those who work for themselves
As we approach the end of the year, I’ve been thinking about what I’ve seen achieved by the community groups I’ve met, and also what I’ve been doing. With this column I wanted to champion the hidden gems with a focus on heritage, community and those who work for themselves in the creative sector. I’ve occasionally mentioned what I do, but if you’ll indulge me, I’ll do a bit more of that now as I look back over the year.
I set up a new organisation, Wisbech Projects CIC, owned and run by local people to run its own, or support other, meaningful and useful projects in the area. I have just created a website, wisbechprojects.org.uk, where the first 3 projects are listed. The main one is working with the Wisbech Society on the restoration of the chapel and cemetery on Leverington Road. The building work and activities are all lined up for 2018 and onwards. Previously to working with the Society, I ran some creative sessions with families, and I’m continuing monthly sessions with People and Aimals CIC at their regular social gatherings at the Oasis Centre on Thursday afternoons, and the Queen Mary Centre on Friday afternoons (see their website peopleandanimals.org.uk, I host that and helped them create it, but all the content is theirs, it’s great!) They are very busy – look out for details of the Wisbech Community Farm. Other groups I have worked with include the Wisbech Library Friends who often have coffee mornings and have some great events coming up; the Christmas Fayre Steeering group – you can guess what we do there! Such a professionl group of people, “behind the scenes” working hard for the town.
I’m also working with the Wisbech and Fenland Museum on ideas for next year and getting you all interested in using and visiting this hidden gem! Along with the High Street Project, which is steaming ahead with regeneration plans, I’m really looking forward to next year and all the improvements, events, activities (and socialising) that’s coming up! Even though it can be hard work, it’s definitely social and I’ve enjoyed spending more time with some of the people who keep this town going and meeting new friends joining the community.
If you are able, and want to make a difference to yourself and someone else, then do find a group to join, it’s so rewarding. Feel free to contact me with what you would like to be part of and I’ll put you in touch with the right people or organisation.
The photo is of a young friend on a weaving loom that I have taken to various places, producing a length of fabric that everyone has contributed to. A lovely reminder of the year, I’ll start a new one