Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

1 June 2018

1 June 2018

Wisbech has a fantastic selection of independent retailers. Market Street in particular has a few and some of them are moving around!

Sarah’s Flowers is a local success story, 3 years in one shop (with many years experience before setting up on her own) Sarah is already expanding into new premises, congratulations to her and her family. They’ll be moving across the road into the Button Up and Stitch shop, who have been a brilliant addition to the area so it was good to hear that there will still be an online Button Up and Stitch, and they will be doing trade fairs and workshops, so we haven’t lost them completely. I believe their neighbours are also moving, also across the street! So I’m pleased to say that Market Street is still a buzzing little area for everyone. (Also, that I don’t have to change my map of indie retailers…)
Another company I mentioned recently is also making changes and growing. Linda Ekins Academy of Dramatic Arts (LEADA) has become a CIC. This means that they are focussed on the benefits to the community and are a “not for profit” company. Linda already worked very much for the community supporting many people by using drama skills to build their confidence, and giving opportunities to young people in particular to “be on the stage” if they wanted to, but always to enjoy developing an idea for a piece of drama, together. With a CIC, Linda now has the structure to look for funding to grow and do more for more people. They can take on more volunteers, too, so if you’re interested in helping out in the creative dramatic arts, have a look at the new website: www.leada.biz. A new series of classes called Viva la Voce is one of LEADA Cambs CIC’s projects – innovative singing classes, especially if you think you can’t sing. Also, on the 16th and 23rd June, “Marmalade Cake” at Peckover House is where you can see Linda and friends act the parts of a story of life ‘below stairs’ preparing for a birthday party.

It’s fantastic to see these businesses growing and moving onwards and upwards, we should celebrate them and try to support them as every £ spent locally, stays local, improving the town for everyone. There’ll be more indie retailers featured in this column throughout the year – how about some new hashtags for those on social media: #positivewisbech #indiewisbech




