Working together – Wisbech Wool Shop
Regular readers will know that I write here to promote all the good things happening in the area and especially the people and places that make it special. I’m not the only one, there’s plenty of us out there – running businesses, and/or volunteering as part of groups, to improve the town and to help anyone who needs a hand. We don’t always get appreciated, that isn’t why we do it of course, but when I meet those who go the extra mile and put in extra time and effort, I want to celebrate them, but also support them. I’m planning a project to show how we are all connected and are actually all working together even if we’re not linked directly. This will show that there are people making a difference and being effective at the social change we need, which will hopefully also change the perception of the town.
I’ll update here and elsewhere as the project progresses, but meanwhile, Summer is here and we have loads coming up! If you’ve ever found yourself looking for something to do, you could look online, but you could also ask local shops and cafes, look at the posters that event organisers produce, and go and pick up notices and booklets from all around. Buy something from these places at the same time, and you’re helping the whole town as buying local is proven to improve the local economy for everyone.
One such place is a personal favourite, the Wisbech Wool Shop. Linda works hard for her own business, always has a smile for everyone and knows her regulars well. She keenly promotes the town to visitors – sending them to the visitor attractions for example. She also sells yarn, everything you need to work with it, and embroidery and sewing tools and more… I send people there for pompom makers! If you are interested in crafts, visit the shop and say I sent you – you’ll get a special 10% discount if you mention you read about it here!
All makers, from novice to experienced, are welcome at the fortnightly Craft and Natter in the shop, the next one is this Saturday, 20th July, 12.30 to 3.30, for £2. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon with like minded folk. The address is 3 Union Street, it’s just between the Market Place and Hill Street, not far from the Horsefair.
(I’m keen to add to my list of local shops/businesses, so feel free to write to me with your favourites)