NewYear 2016
Well, ‘another year over, a new one just begun…’ How’s it going so far? I’m guessing we’re all grateful we don’t have floods. I’m glad those “upstream” in this area are managing the rivers and flood plains and so protecting us.
Then there’s New Year resolutions – did you make any, and are you keeping to them? I’ve planned out my new classes, got some photographs done for my website, and sent off emails booking new work. Feeling very efficient! It can be difficult juggling everything, as we all know, and I have been keeping separate files and notebooks for the different parts of my work and life, but I think I need one place to keep track. So I think that’s my only resolution, use my diary more efficiently.
The diary pictured is, I admit, from a large retailer, but it has lovely paper and a useful layout. I will be getting notebooks from a designer friend, Tia, her business is called “Who Ate My Crayons”, she’s based locally. Tia will be coming along to a Penelope Club meetup to talk about branding and design, so if you’re a local creative business, or want to be, get in touch for the next meeting.
The idea of local people getting together to support each other and work together is something I feel strongly about, and I hope I can show you more groups like the Penelope Club throughout the year. Do tell me about any you work with: clubs, societies or groups of friends, so I can feature you here. I’ll also “do the rounds” of local businesses and try to include as many as possible.
If you don’t already know about it, you must try to get to the Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival, next weekend, 15th/16th/17th January, www.strawbear.org.uk, and I’ll be writing about as many of the other fantastic events and festivals planned for this year as I can!
See my website for “Beginner’s Crochet” (this Saturday!), “Sewing Together” for parents and children, and “Social Sewing” for adults. Meanwhile, I’m off to review “Adventures in Minecraft” with my new Raspberry Pi! That’s for the digital side of Red Barn Creative – I told you I had a lot on! Happy New Year everyone.