Made in the Fens
After featuring a shop last time, and I have a shop in mind for next time, I thought I’d write this column about some creative things to do around the town. I’ll first feature my own projects, as I’m really proud of the progress of my crochet ladies already, and also I would love it if you all sent me reminiscences of what your mothers used to make to contribute to my “Made in the Fens” project.
I went to a textiles show recently and when chatting to some of the exhibitors they agreed with me that “women’s work” is not featured in the history books as much as it could be, and it is often not considered art either, which means many people miss out on seeing some beautiful work. But at least then it isn’t so scary to attempt to learn, as sometimes even the word “art” can be offputting, and certainly crafts are much easier to pick up than you might think.
I currently run Crochet classes on the 1st and 3rd Thursday, and Social Sewing will be starting after Easter. Using vintage fabrics, updating charity shop clothes, making gifts, all will be part of this new sewing club. Get your name on the list now, and also send me memories of what your Mother and Grandmother made. Find Red Barn Creative on Facebook, email lorena@redbarncreative.org, or phone 0775 202 4641 and leave your name and number.
I’m on the steering group of the Library Friends, and there’s a few interesting activities we’ve lined up this year. Ukelele workshops, drawing classes, the Opera Dudes (fantastic evening!) and spooky storyteller Robert Lloyd Parry next Thursday, 10th March. On 30th March a storytelling session for young children and their families in a specially made tent, I’m really looking forward to that one. Pop into the Library now and book your place on all these fantastic offers.
Have you seen the inspirational rocks around the town? A sweet idea, internationally known as #wordrocks, and ours have #wisbeach on as well! Keep an eye out and send in photos!
Lorena’s company Red Barn Creative is registered not-for-profit, and offers creative classes and digital support. Lorena volunteers with a number of groups and writes this column without payment to promote the town and its assets.