Hidden Gems March 13th
Hidden Gems
When I started writing these columns I was thinking of simply getting the word out about all the good in this area, to counter the press coverage it normally receives. It seems that not only are people reading the column – which is daunting, but lovely to know! – they are also visiting and enjoying the places I’ve been mentioning. I only talk about places I have visited recently and know well, so that I can give a true picture of somewhere, so I’m glad you are finding them through this column and enjoying them too. I’ll be updating my website to list the places I mention, including those here today.
Another way to find out more about the local area, activities and events, is to join local associations – from the WI to the Masons, via hobby groups, business clubs, and using community centres like the Rosmini. (check the previous pages of this paper for some of the clubs’ news). Many people who run these organisations are involved in more than one, so ideas and collaboration are spread throughout the town. For local people who are interested in the preservation and history of Wisbech, then the Wisbech Society is a good one to join. It runs a number of talks with well-respected speakers and is actively working to restore many parts of the town and promote the heritage of the area. There is a walking tour on their website, and I also found a downloadable MP3 tour elsewhere online that is from 2007, but I think worth a try, so I will have a go and report back!
March also has a civic society, which has talks and gets involved with events locally (they are very active on Twitter which I find useful to keep up with what’s happening). Also Chatteris and I believe Whittlesey, but no online details for them as yet. Do get in touch if you are part of these organisations so I can find out more.
Lorena Hodgson runs Red Barn Creative, a not-for-profit social enterprise helping creative people improve business skills and everyone be more creative.