Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

Edith Ellen Foundation

Edith Ellen Foundation

“There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to over 1 million by 2025. This will soar to 2 million by 2051. 225,000 will develop dementia this year, that’s one every three minutes. 1 in 6 people over the age of 80 have dementia.”


This was sent to me recently from the Edith Ellen Foundation, a charity started locally by Kate Blake. I first met Kate a few years ago and she came across as a dynamic and determined woman, wanting to help those in care homes. Her focus and determination has resulted in the creation of an organisation that is working to fulfil her aims: “promoting kindness by identifying, celebrating and sharing good practice”.


Kindness is an underrated skill, we could all learn to use it more often in all areas of life. We don’t know what people have gone through or are going through; being kind to everyone is a good start to a more friendly society. As the Foundation states: “Kindness is compassion without judgment”.

Kate tells me: “The Foundation is very much about connections, especially those that bring the generations and cultures together.” The Foundation is keen to make sure people in care homes are not isolated and that they: “continue to have connections to their former lifestyles, families, friends and local communities.”
I think this is a really important point. Care homes are so that those in need, unable to care for themselves fully, can be cared for in as close to a home environment as possible, but this can mean they are tucked away from the community, possibly the one they grew up in.

The serious side of the Foundation is: “to achieve one standardised quality in care that everyone can trust.  One which will guarantee all in care will receive understanding, dedication and kindness.”

They also however have a fun side, aiming to bring people together to have a great time and raise funds, as well as gain recognition of their work and enable more people to benefit from their methods and research.

On the 18th of August they are having a Party on Emneth Playing Field, Hungate Road, Emneth PE14 8DE. There will be music and games, there may still be time if you’d like a stall, get in touch with them via the website.

“helping to provide a kinder working environment for those who work in care homes; and supporting a kinder individual experience for those being cared for”