Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

Community Gaming

Community Gaming

Since I last wrote, the game PokemonGo has taken over! We went into Wisbech town centre, thinking we might see a couple of people, but there were so many, it was fantastic!

It’s a game of collecting, and gaining experience by challenging others to win ownership of a “gym”. As it’s all done in the real world, players have to walk around, and points of interest are the places used for gyms and shops. In Wisbech this means the Museum, the old Corn Exchange (which is under the Town Council Chambers), as well as Peckover House and the Clarkson Memorial. Unfortunately, the Memorial is listed as “Wilberforce”, we should all ask them to change that.

The Museum currently has an exhibition of their bug collections, so it fits rather well with PokemonGo, I haven’t checked if there’s any to catch inside, but museums all over the world are joining in the fun and asking people to come in and chase the monsters!

Gathering people together in community spaces is a great result of the game, as is using places of interest like this, adding the chance of the public using them more.

As you may have noticed, I feel strongly about our heritage, and support any efforts to record, keep, and promote it. Putting the old Cook’s Butchers painted shop front along the Somers Road Car Park walk is lovely to see, I’m so pleased it was kept. Go check it out, and you’ll also see the Luxe posters and others in the tourist information boards. By the way, I must say well done to the Luxe for reducing tickets over the summer, it really helps with family days out!

I run my craft classes at Alexandra House next door to the Luxe, and will be talking about that lovely building soon. If you’d like to join me for crochet classes, email now.

Also email if you’d like to know more about “Made in the Fens”. If you’re interested in rag rugging, woad, weaving, or any other traditional craft, do get in touch to join in with workshops to practice making things the old-fashioned way, or just to tell me your story – many people have been reminded of their mothers and grandmothers making things for the home.

I’ll also be developing Made in the Fens with current artists/makers so get in touch now to be a part of it.

Contact: lorena@redbarncreative.org.uk

Photo Credit: Rag Rugging at Manea Fun Day with Ouse Washes Partnership and Sutton Masque dancing