Art and Artists
It’s all about art this week. Art is subjective, it’s not something we can all agree on (that’s a long, long article that I will be writing elsewhere!) However, for this column, I just want to see how many more artists I can find in Fenland. I have had a request to help find some artworks for a charity auction, it will be good publicity as well as contributing to a good cause, in this case a children’s art therapy charity. I understand if you’re not able to contribute at this time – I feel strongly about the principle of a proper income for artists/makers, publicity on its own does not pay the rent. But, if you can spare a piece of work and would like to help, that would be great. It can be any kind of visual art, so get in touch and let me know what you do. I have other projects contacting me and my own coming up so please get in touch if you’d like to know more.
When discussing this, I was reminded of Free Art Friday and would love to find the artist who did this in Wisbech. It’s supposed to be an anonymous project, so maybe no-one will come forward, but work might start appearing again. If you haven’t seen it before, search on social media and find out if it’s happening near you. Basically, the idea is you can find an original, free piece of work just by looking around your town on a set Friday.
If you want to make some art, just start, have a go and then keep trying different ideas, tools and materials (The Works are great for a cheap set of materials, then when you’re ready, there’s specialist shops to get what you need). You’ll find a style you like, be it pen and ink or bright thick paint, just have a go and see where it takes you, you can’t go wrong.
Watch this space for more arts related information and projects, though I’m still working on heritage, crafts and digital projects too, occasionally all at the same time!
The photo is from the Wisbech Art Space project, a collaboration between Red Barn Creative and the Horsefair Shopping Centre – can you guess who’s in that space now?
Lorena can be contacted via lorena@redbarncreative.org.uk or on Twitter: @redcreative