Mary Christmas!
Half term and Halloween are fast approaching, and you’ll find a fabulous selection of events going on in our hidden gems. Just a couple here to get you started, search online or at the library and get your diaries filled up this Autumn.
Museums at Night is a national event and Wisbech and Fenland Museum is taking part again, Thursday 24th October, 5pm to 8pm. This year’s theme is Egypt and there’s a fancy dress competition, too. See their website www.wisbechmuseum.org.uk or pop in for more information. The following week is going to be scarier… The Castle are putting on their “Castle of Nightmares” evenings (October 29th/30th and November 1st), see wisbechcastle.org/castle-of-nightmares for full details and tickets. I’m not brave enough to go there, but it’s very popular with those that are, so get your tickets now if you like being scared! I’ll be sticking to the Horsefair’s Spooktacular with the children, a town wide event on the 26th October, 3-5pm.
As you can see by the picture, I’m thinking even further ahead as the planning for the Christmas Fayre (Sunday December 8th) is being finalised. Each year, we want to bring you something new and this year we’ve got a special visit from Mrs Mary Christmas! She came along to the latest meeting of the Fayre organisers and kept us all on time and in check, including her cuddly friend.
Other updates of rides and stalls will appear on our social media and our posters and banners. I, like many others, am keen to support community-run events and projects, so I enjoy thinking about Christmas every month at our meetings and planning the fun things we can bring to the town. Last month I was measuring where we might put a ….hmm, you’ll have to wait for that one, but it’s big and it goes round, with you on it….
We can all work on projects and support each other to develop skills and friendships. Working together is more likely to be effective in solving the social problems of today. I’ve met many of those working towards these changes, but please do email me if you’re a community group that would like to be in touch with others, to collaborate and support each other, I’d like to bring us all together and promote the town and its people in a positive light.